Artificial Intelligence Essentials Quiz Questions and Answers

AI can be fun... This is an 20 question mini quiz to allow you to test your level of knowledge around the growing area of Artificial Intelligence. Definitely no Bots allowed... If you score less than 20/20 why not consider our 1 day AI Essentials course.
  • Question 1
  • Question 2
  • Question 3
  • Question 4
  • Question 5
  • Question 6
  • Question 7
  • Question 8
  • Question 9
  • Question 10
  • Question 11
  • Question 12
  • Question 13
  • Question 14
  • Question 15
  • Question 16
  • Question 17
  • Question 18
  • Question 19
  • Question 20
Question 1 ID: 613

In AI, learning can be…

a) Supervised

b) Semi-supervised

c) Unsupervised

d) All three


Question 2 ID: 611

Which famous female mathematician wrote the first algorithm and is widely recognised as the first computer programmer?

a) Hypatia

b) Ada Lovelace

c) Sofia Kovalevskaya

d) Florence Nightingale


Question 3 ID: 615

Artificial intelligence can be best described as?

a) All the systems of control that are not artefacts, but rather are present in biology.

b) Intelligence that is not human

c) Intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals.

d) Complex programing based on rules


Question 4 ID: 619

The advantage of artificial intelligence over humans are

a) They do not require sleep or rest

b) They can carry our dangerous jobs in hazardous environments

c) They do not get bored or tired

d) All of the above


Question 5 ID: 610

What decade did AI learn to play chess as well as a world chess champion?

a) 1960’s

b) 1970’s

c) 1980’s

d) 1990’s


Question 6 ID: 621

In artificial intelligence, an intelligent agent can best be described as…

a) An autonomous entity which observes through sensors and acts upon an environment using actuators

b) A person that works with an AI system to train it to follow a set of instructions

c) An algorithm that creates other algorithms which act as agents

d) An artificial intelligent system used for spying on other nations or organisations


Question 7 ID: 628

Chatbots allow humans to concentrate on what type of problem?

a) Mundane repetitive problems

b) Standard answers to routine questions.

c) Ambiguous or awkward problems that require judgement.

d) Automatic pricing and fines


Question 8 ID: 625

Does any AI system currently have citizen rights?

a) Yes, in just one country

b) No, and they never will

c) Yes they will in the future

d) No, as they are not human


Question 9 ID: 626

What is an AI winter?

a) An AI winter is the applications that AI can be applied to for winter activities

b) An AI winter is a period of reduced funding and interest in artificial intelligence research

c) An AI winter considered as a period of discontent for AI application.

d) An AI winter when an AI system is dormant.


Question 10 ID: 624

In 2018 the best AI system has an IQ of between?

a) 20 - 30

b) 50 - 60

c) 80 - 90

d) 110 - 120


Question 11 ID: 617

What is ‘strong AI’?

a) Strong AI is an AI that is specifically designed to be focused on a narrow task

b) Strong AI is an AI that is capable of super human feats of strength though strong robotics

c) Strong AI is an AI capable of speech recognition only

d) Strong AI is an AI capable of all and any cognitive functions that a human may have, and is in essence no different than a real human mind


Question 12 ID: 620

Which statement is not true of AI algorithms?

a) Many AI algorithms are capable of learning from data

b) AI algorithms always consider every possibility combination

c) AI algorithms can write other algorithms

d) AI algorithms can enhance themselves by learning new strategies


Question 13 ID: 616

Who coined the term Machine Learning in 1959

a) Charles Babbage

b) Ada Lovelace

c) Arthur Samuel

d) Stephen Hawking


Question 14 ID: 609

If Human’s and AI entities ‘learn from experience’ what does Machine Learning learn from?

a) Numbers

b) Information

c) Data

d) Experience


Question 15 ID: 614

Natural intelligence is displayed by

a) Machines

b) Humans

c) Humans and other animals

d) Humans and Machines


Question 16 ID: 627

What is Python?

a) A programming language used in Machine Learning.

b) The theory of artificial intelligence.

c) The theory of machine learning.

d) The first robot to walk autonomously.


Question 17 ID: 618

The ethics of artificial intelligence can best be described as…

a) The rights and privileges of AI systems

b) The morality of how humans design, construct, use and treat robots and other artificially intelligent beings

c) How Robots and other artificially intelligent beings treat humans

d) The acquisition of moral values by robots and AI systems


Question 18 ID: 622

Artificial intelligence can be used to…

a) Predict what a particular customer is likely to buy

b) Identify credit fraud in real time and detect insurance claims fraud

c) Automate personalized targeting of digital ads

d) All of the above


Question 19 ID: 612

What popular Machine Learning technique is inspired by the human brain?

a) Algorithms

b) Narrow AI

c) Neural Networks

d) Decision trees


Question 20 ID: 623

Over the next 20 years it has been predicted that…

a) Artificial intelligence will increase the number of human jobs in the job market.

b) Artificial intelligence will be roughly neutral in terms of the number of human jobs removed and added to the job market

c) Artificial intelligence will slightly reduce the number of human jobs in the job market

d) Artificial intelligence will vastly reduce the number of human jobs in the job market
