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What Is Multivariate Analysis?

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What is Multivariate Analysis?

Multivariate testing is a sophisticated and data-driven experimentation technique used by UX (User Experience) designers and marketing departments. It simultaneously tests multiple variations of elements or variables on a webpage, app, or other digital content to determine the most effective combination for achieving specific goals. Multivariate testing aims to identify the optimal combination of elements that leads to improved user engagement, conversion rates, or other key performance indicators (KPIs).

What is Multivariate Analysis?

What is multivariate analysis text at the top and below it is two screens with two multivariate test on each with a different element changed on each.

Multivariate analysis is a statistical technique used to analyse data sets that involve multiple variables or data points simultaneously. It examines the relationships between variables to understand patterns, dependencies, and associations within the data. This approach is particularly valuable when dealing with complex data sets in various fields, including economics, social sciences, biology, finance, etc.

What is Multivariate Testing?

Different types of sliders with a question mark on top, with the words 'What is Multivariate Testing?' above, with a white background.

Multivariate testing, often abbreviated as MVT, is a marketing and website optimisation technique used to simultaneously test multiple variations of elements on a web page or in a marketing campaign. The primary goal of multivariate testing is to determine which combination of factors yields the best overall performance in terms of a specific goal, such as maximising conversions, click-through rates, or user engagement.

How is Multivariate Analysis Carried Out?

4 phones with one element changed on each one showing multivariate testing, with the words 'How is Multivariate Analysis Carried Out?' above

Multivariate analysis is a broad field with various techniques and methods, and the specific approach used depends on the nature of the data and the research questions or objectives. However, here's a general outline of how multivariate analysis is carried out:

Define the Research Objective

Start by clearly defining the research objective or the question you want to answer with multivariate analysis. Determine what you aim to understand or explore about the relationships between variables.

Data Collection

Gather the data necessary for your analysis. Ensure you have collected data on multiple variables relevant to your research objective. The data can come from surveys, experiments, observations, or other sources.

Data Preparation

Prepare the data for analysis by cleaning and organising it. This includes handling missing values, outliers, and transforming variables if necessary (e.g., standardising, normalising, or log-transforming).

Select the Multivariate Analysis Technique

Choose the appropriate multivariate analysis technique based on your research objectives and your data type. Some standard techniques include:

  • Principal Component Analysis (PCA): Used for dimensionality reduction and exploring patterns in multivariate data.
  • Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA): Examines relationships between two sets of variables.
  • Cluster Analysis: Groups similar data points into clusters.
  • Factor Analysis: Identifies underlying factors that explain observed variable correlations.
  • Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA): Tests for differences among multiple groups for multiple dependent variables.
  • Discriminant Analysis: Separates groups based on differences in multiple variables.
  • Structural Equation Modelling (SEM): Examines complex relationships between variables.

Perform the Analysis

Apply the chosen multivariate analysis technique to the prepared data. This step involves using statistical software or programming languages like R or Python to conduct the analysis.

Interpret the Results: Interpret the analysis results to gain insights into the relationships between variables and answer your research questions. Visualisation tools, such as scatter plots, biplots, or heatmaps, can help in understanding the data patterns.

Hypothesis Testing (if applicable)

If your analysis involves hypothesis testing, perform statistical tests to assess the significance of relationships or differences between groups.

Report Findings

Present your findings clearly and concisely, often using tables, charts, and written explanations. Communicate the implications of your results in the context of your research objectives.

Iterate and Refine (if necessary)

Depending on the findings and their implications, you may need to refine your research questions or analysis techniques and conduct additional analyses to gain a deeper understanding of the data.

Draw Conclusions

Draw conclusions based on the results of your multivariate analysis. Discuss how the findings address your research objectives and any practical implications.

Make Recommendations

If applicable, make recommendations or decisions based on the insights gained from the multivariate analysis. These recommendations may inform future actions or strategies.

Throughout the entire process, it's essential to maintain rigour in data handling, analysis, and interpretation to ensure the validity and reliability of your results. Multivariate analysis can be a powerful tool for uncovering complex relationships in data and gaining valuable insights for decision-making in various fields of study.

What is the Goal of Multivariate Analysis?

What is the Goal of Multivariate Analysis? text on the left with a target and an arrow on the right

The goal of User Experience multivariate analysis, often referred to as multivariate usability testing or multivariate user testing, is to improve the design and functionality of digital products, websites, or applications to enhance the user experience. It systematically tests multiple design elements and feature variations to identify which combination results in the most favourable user interactions and outcomes. The primary objectives of UX multivariate analysis include:

Optimising User Experience

The ultimate aim is to create a more user-friendly and enjoyable experience for the target audience. By testing different design elements and features, UX professionals can identify and implement changes that make the product more intuitive and efficient.

Improving Conversion Rates

In the context of e-commerce websites or applications, one of the primary goals is often to increase conversion rates. Multivariate analysis helps determine which design elements, such as button placement, colour schemes, or call-to-action wording, are most effective in encouraging users to take desired actions (e.g., making a purchase, signing up, or downloading content).

Enhancing User Engagement

For content-driven websites or applications, the goal may be to enhance user engagement and retention. Multivariate testing can help identify design variations that keep users engaged for extended periods, reducing bounce rates and increasing time spent on the platform.

Reducing User Errors

UX multivariate analysis can reveal design elements or user interface configurations that lead to fewer user errors or mistakes. This can improve overall satisfaction and efficiency while using the product.

Enhancing Accessibility

Ensuring digital products are accessible to users with disabilities is a critical aspect of UX design. Multivariate analysis can help identify design choices that improve accessibility and inclusivity.

Data-Driven Decision-Making

UX multivariate analysis relies on data and metrics to inform design decisions. It allows designers and product teams to make informed choices based on empirical evidence rather than assumptions or personal preferences.

Iterative Design Improvement

Multivariate testing is often an iterative process. Design changes based on the analysis are implemented, and the testing cycle continues to refine and optimise the user experience over time.


Some multivariate testing involves tailoring user experiences based on user segments or preferences. By testing different variations on different user groups, designers can create personalised experiences that better suit individual needs.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

In an era of multiple devices and platforms, multivariate analysis can ensure that the user experience is consistent and effective across various screen sizes and devices.

Competitive Advantage

By continually improving the user experience, organisations can gain a competitive advantage in the market, attract and retain more users, and drive business growth.

UX multivariate analysis is a crucial part of the UX design process, allowing designers and product teams to make data-driven decisions that lead to better user experiences and more successful digital products. It involves conducting controlled experiments, collecting user feedback, and analysing user behaviour to identify the most effective design choices and optimisations.

What Are the Advantages of Multivariate Analysis?

Multivariate testing offers several advantages for businesses and digital marketers seeking to optimise their websites, apps, and digital experiences. Here are some of the key advantages of multivariate testing:

Comprehensive Optimisation

Multivariate testing allows you to test multiple elements and their variations simultaneously. This means you can comprehensively assess how different combinations of factors interact with each other to impact user behaviour and outcomes. It's a powerful method for optimising complex user experiences.


Instead of conducting separate tests for each individual element, multivariate testing enables you to test them all at once. This can save time and resources, especially when you have multiple factors to optimise.

Insight into Interaction Effects

Multivariate testing helps you understand how changes in one element may interact with changes in other elements. This is critical for making informed design and content decisions because the combination of multiple factors often influences user experiences.

Data-Driven Decision-Making

Multivariate testing provides empirical data and statistical analysis to guide decision-making. You can make informed choices based on concrete evidence rather than relying on assumptions or intuition.

Optimising for Multiple Goals

You can simultaneously optimise for multiple KPIs and business objectives. This flexibility allows you to strike a balance between different goals, such as increasing conversion rates, improving engagement, or enhancing user satisfaction.

Identifying Winning Combinations

Multivariate testing helps you identify the best-performing combinations of elements, which can be implemented as permanent changes to improve the user experience and achieve business goals.


You can segment your audience and test different combinations for different user groups, tailoring the user experience to specific demographics or user behaviours.

Continuous Improvement

Multivariate testing is not a one-time process. It can be used for ongoing optimisation efforts, ensuring that your digital properties continue to evolve and meet the changing needs of your audience.

Reduced Risk

By testing multiple variations simultaneously, you can mitigate the risk of implementing changes that may negatively affect user behaviour. Multivariate testing allows you to explore potential pitfalls before making permanent changes.

Competitive Advantage

Utilising Multivariate testing as part of your optimisation strategy can give you a competitive edge by continuously improving your digital assets and staying responsive to user preferences and market trends.

It's important to note that while multivariate testing offers these advantages, it also comes with challenges, such as the need for a substantial amount of traffic to obtain statistically significant results and the complexity of managing multiple variations. Additionally, careful planning and hypothesis formulation are crucial to ensure that multivariate tests yield actionable insights.

What Are the Disadvantages of Multivariate Analysis?

While UX multivariate analysis offers numerous advantages, it also has some disadvantages and challenges that organisations and UX professionals should consider:


Multivariate testing can be resource-intensive regarding time, personnel, and technology. Designing and implementing multiple user interface variations requires significant effort, especially for complex websites or applications.

Sample Size Requirements

To obtain statistically significant results, multivariate tests often require larger sample sizes compared to more straightforward A/B tests or usability studies. This can be challenging for websites or applications with low traffic or limited user engagement.


Managing multiple variations and interactions between design elements can become complex, making it more challenging to interpret and act on the results effectively.

Risk of Confounding Variables

When testing multiple design variations simultaneously, isolating the effects of individual elements can be challenging, as interactions between variables may occur. This can complicate the analysis and interpretation of results.

Lengthy Testing Periods

Running multivariate tests with multiple variations can extend the testing period, delaying design improvements and requiring patience from stakeholders and team members.

Potential for False Positives

With multiple variations, there is an increased risk of encountering statistically significant results by chance. This can lead to incorrect conclusions if not adequately controlled for through statistical methods.


Conducting Multivariate analysis, especially in large-scale projects, may incur higher costs due to the need for additional tools, technology, and personnel.

Complexity for Users

Users exposed to multiple design variations during testing may experience inconsistent or confusing user interfaces, potentially impacting their perception of the product.

Ethical Considerations

Testing variations can affect user behaviour, such as pricing or content presentation, raises ethical considerations, particularly when users are unaware of the testing.

Limited Insights for Qualitative Aspects

Multivariate analysis primarily focuses on quantitative metrics and may not provide deep insights into qualitative aspects of the user experience, such as user motivations, emotions, or attitudes.

Overemphasis on Metrics

Overreliance on metrics and data-driven decisions can sometimes overshadow the importance of qualitative research and user feedback, which can provide valuable context and insights.

Incompatibility with Certain Designs

Not all user interfaces or digital products are suitable for multivariate analysis. Some designs or interactions may be too complex or interconnected to test effectively using this method.

Potential for Missed Opportunities

While multivariate testing can optimise existing designs, it may not uncover innovative design approaches or entirely new concepts that could be more effective but have not been tested.

Limited Scope

Multivariate testing typically focuses on specific design elements and interactions, which may not address broader issues related to overall product strategy, branding, or user journey.

To address these disadvantages, organisations should carefully consider the appropriateness of multivariate analysis for their specific UX optimisation needs, allocate resources effectively, and balance data-driven insights with qualitative user research to ensure a holistic understanding of the user experience.

Best Practices for Multivariate Analysis

Someone holding a notepad with the words best practice on it.

When conducting UX multivariate analysis, it's essential to follow best practices to ensure that your testing is rigorous, insightful, and leads to meaningful improvements in user experience. Here are some key best practices for UX multivariate analysis:

1. Clearly Define Objectives

Start by clearly defining your research objectives. Understand what you want to achieve through multivariate testing, whether it's increasing conversions, improving user engagement, or enhancing usability.

2. Select the Right Metrics

Choose relevant metrics and KPIs that align with your objectives. These metrics should be measurable, actionable, and directly related to the user experience.

3. Create Hypotheses

Develop clear hypotheses about the design elements or features you plan to test. These hypotheses should be based on user research, prior data analysis, or informed assumptions about what might improve the user experience.

4. Prioritise Elements to Test

Identify which design elements or features have the most significant potential impact on user experience. Prioritise elements that are likely to yield valuable insights and improvements.

5. Implement Control Groups

In multivariate testing, it's essential to have control groups that represent the current design or baseline experience. This allows you to compare the performance of variations against the existing design.

6. Randomise and Counterbalance

Ensure that variations are presented to users in a randomised and counterbalanced manner to reduce order effects and potential biases.

7. Sufficient Sample Size

Calculate the sample size needed for your test to obtain statistically significant results. Larger sample sizes are often required for multivariate tests compared to A/B tests due to the increased complexity.

8. Run Tests Simultaneously

If possible, run all test variations simultaneously to minimise the impact of external factors, such as changing user behaviour or market conditions.

9. Monitor User Behaviour

Continuously monitor user behaviour throughout the test period to detect any anomalies, trends, or issues that may affect the results.

10. Segment User Groups

If applicable, segment user groups based on demographics or user behaviour. This can help identify which variations are most effective for specific user segments.

11. Consider Mobile Responsiveness

Ensure that your multivariate tests account for mobile responsiveness and variations in user behaviour on different devices and screen sizes.

12. Interpret Results Carefully

When analysing the results, be cautious of false positives and false negatives. Use appropriate statistical methods to validate findings.

13. Combine Qualitative and Quantitative Data

Supplement quantitative data from multivariate testing with qualitative insights from user research, surveys, or usability testing. This provides a more comprehensive understanding of user behaviour and preferences.

14. Iterate and Refine

Use the insights gained from multivariate analysis to make iterative design improvements. Continuously refine the user experience based on data-driven decisions.

15. Document Findings

Document the results, insights, and actions taken as a result of the multivariate analysis. This documentation is valuable for sharing findings with stakeholders and for future reference.

16. Test Ethically

When conducting tests that can impact user behaviour or decisions (e.g., pricing tests), ensure ethical considerations are addressed and users are not misled or harmed.

17. Collaborate Across Teams

Multivariate analysis often involves collaboration between UX designers, researchers, data analysts, and developers. Foster effective communication and collaboration among team members to ensure successful testing.

18. Stay Updated

Stay informed about best practices in UX research and testing and evolving trends in user behaviour and technology to adapt your multivariate analysis strategies accordingly.

19. Share Insights and Learnings

Share the results and insights from multivariate testing with relevant teams and stakeholders, and encourage a culture of learning and improvement based on data.

20. Stay Ethical and Respect User Privacy

Ensure that your testing practices adhere to ethical guidelines and respect user privacy. Be transparent about data collection and inform users when necessary.

By following these best practices, you can conduct effective UX multivariate analysis that leads to data-driven design improvements, better user experiences, and increased satisfaction with your digital products or interfaces.

What Are the Three Main Categories of Multivariate Analysis?

In UX multivariate analysis, three main categories or types of tests can be conducted to optimise user experiences. These categories are A/B testing, funnel testing, and multivariate testing. Each category focuses on different aspects of user experience optimisation:

A/B Testing (Split Testing)

Objective: A/B testing, also known as split testing, is primarily used to compare two versions (A and B) of a webpage, app screen, or email campaign to determine which performs better regarding a specific metric or goal.

Method: In an A/B test, two variations of a single element or feature are tested against each other. For example, you might test two different headlines, button colours, or call-to-action (CTA) text. Users are randomly assigned to one of the two variations.

Usage: A/B testing is valuable for relatively small-scale changes or when you want to assess the impact of a single design element. It is commonly used for optimising conversion rates, click-through rates, and other discrete user actions.

Multivariate Testing

Objective: Multivariate testing aims to assess the impact of multiple variations of different elements or features on a webpage, app, or campaign simultaneously. It helps determine the combination of factors that leads to the best overall user experience.

Method: In multivariate testing, multiple variations of multiple elements are tested concurrently. For example, you might test different headlines, images, button colours, and CTA text combinations. Users are randomly assigned to one of these combinations.

Usage: Multivariate testing is suitable for more complex scenarios where interactions between multiple design elements need to be evaluated. It is commonly used for optimising user engagement, content layout, and overall user experience.

Funnel Testing

Objective: Multi-page or funnel testing extends the analysis beyond a single page or screen. It assesses and optimises user journeys through multiple pages or steps within a website or application.

Method: In multi-page testing, variations are tested across different pages or steps of a user flow, such as a signup process, checkout process, or navigation through a website. Users are assigned to different variations of these flows.

Usage: This type of testing is valuable for understanding how design changes across multiple pages impact user behaviour and conversions throughout the user journey. It is commonly used for optimising conversion funnels and complex user workflows.

These three main categories of UX multivariate analysis offer different levels of granularity and complexity when it comes to optimising user experiences. The choice of which type of test to conduct depends on the specific goals, the complexity of the design changes, and the insights you want to gain from the testing process. Organisations often use a combination of these testing methods to improve their digital products and interfaces comprehensively.

Where Can You Learn More About UX Design?

Our BCS Foundation Certificate In User Experience training course is perfect for anyone who wants to increase their knowledge of User Experience. The BCS User Experience course will teach you the UX methodology, best practices, techniques, and a strategy for creating a successful user experience. The course will cover the following topics:

  • Guiding Principles.
  • User Research.
  • Illustrating The Context of Use.
  • Measuring Usability.
  • Information Architecture.
  • Interaction Design.
  • Visual Design.
  • User Interface Prototyping.
  • Usability Evaluation.

Click the button below to find out more.

UX course banner with purple background

Final Notes On

We've delved into the world of UX multivariate analysis, a powerful approach to enhancing user experiences in the digital realm. We explored its advantages, including data-driven design, efficiency, and personalisation, while acknowledging its challenges, such as resource intensity and the risk of false positives. We emphasised the importance of clear objectives, statistical rigour, ethical considerations, and team collaboration.

By adhering to best practices, organisations can leverage A/B, multivariate, and multi-page testing to optimise their digital interfaces, boost user satisfaction, and gain a competitive edge. UX multivariate analysis empowers data-driven decision-making, ultimately leading to superior user experiences.

About The Author

James Lawless

James Lawless

From a young age I have been interested in media and technology. I look forward to seeing the interesting future of AI and how it will affect ITSM, business processes and day-to-day life. I am passionate about sustainability, gaming, and user experience. At Purple Griffon I oversee creating/maintaining blogs, creating free resources, and general website maintenance. I’m also a keen skier and enjoy going on family skiing holidays

Tel: +44 (0)1539 736 828

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